14 October 2011

Day 14: Gardening for Dummies

We have no grass.  Not a single blade, unless you count the weeds poking between the bricks in our back "yard."  But that didn't stop us this year from growing a garden. Have I ever grown food?  Nope.  Did I know what I was doing?  Not really.  But with the help of Mr. Interwebz I was able to select a few items that don't need deep roots or a ton of space.  We planted tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, spinach, and cucumbers, all in containers.

The Bigs got in on the action, and they faithfully checked our crop during harvest time every day.  We ate fresh salads all summer long, and I even managed to whip up some pizza and pasta sauce with our own tomatoes.  Aside from planting the seeds, the only other effort involved occasional watering.  The great thing about container gardens is that they can be put anywhere, moved when needed, and require very little maintenance.

There is something immensely satisfying about eating food that has been grown with your own hands. We all tasted it, we all felt it.  Some day I will have a plot of land big enough to grow most of our produce, but until then, I'll settle for my own little piece of veggie pie.

Remember, you don't need a field like this to grow your own food.  Use what you have, and enjoy the taste of freshness.

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1 comment:

  1. Dudette, I am totally doing this next spring. Guess who my first call/email is going to be to? ;-)
