20 March 2012

Pin It. Do It. Balloon Volleyball

Intend to Live: 12 days to launch!

Today's Pinterest project is all about the kids. I chose it both as a mother and a therapist. Again, very simple but oh so fun. 

The original pin came from a post called Boredom Busters over at The Weekend Homemaker

We don't use paper plates here, so I simply traced circles onto cardboard. I taped two craft sticks together, but there was really no need for the longer handle, especially since the Big broke it in half trying to send the balloon to the house across the street.

For therapy, I am using this project with some kids who have problems with balance. They will have to hit the balloon toward a target while standing on an air cushion. This one task combines balance, eye hand coordination, and something called graded force - how you magically know how hard to reach for something, hit something, place something, etc. It's the way you can stack blocks without knocking them over.

Both the Bigs and the Little enjoyed playing with it, although the Little tended to scoot the balloon along the ground while the Bigs tried (and succeeded twice) to hit the balloon onto the roof. It's an activity for all ages.

And don't forget, on April 1 I'm joining forces with A Drop in the Bucket. More details coming soon.

Skip To My Lou


  1. Great idea. Thanks for sharing. I will PIn it!

  2. Oh my gosh I want to to that now! And I'm grown. Haha the kiddos will love.
